Sunday, October 14, 2012

Busy Busy

My apologies for lack of posting.  Super super busy.  Here is a week in my life.

Wake up for the day at 4:30 (as long as Abby decides she will sleep then and not wake up at 4).  If Abby is still sleeping I get ready for the day until she wakes up to eat.  This includes washing my face, applying my make-up and brushing my hair.  Then I go to the kitchen and put my lunch together. I go down to the freezer to get Abby's food for the day.  I gather my pump parts and get most of that set to go.  By now its around 5:15.  If Abby still hasn't woken up I will go get her out of bed and feed her. After feeding her I will put her back in her crib.  Sometimes she will fall back asleep, most times she stays awake.  Then I go out to the kitchen to make my oatmeal, same breakfast for the past several months to help my milk supply BORING.  Now its about 5:50, go put my dishes in the dishwasher and let the dog out.  While he is outside go brush my teeth then let him in.  Grab my freezer pack for my milk out of the freezer and pack my pump bag.  Put all my lunch stuff in my lunch box and put that in my bag with my purse.  Grab Abby's food and anything else that is needed for daycare.  At about 6:00 I go back to the bedroom.  Get myself dressed and then grab Abby.  Get her changed and dressed.  At about 6:15 we get our jackets on and into the car seat we go so we can leave by 6:20.  Grab school bag, pump bag, lunch, purse, iced coffee and car seat and off we go.  Drop Abby off at daycare at 6:30, talk with M for a little bit and then off to work.  Usually arrive around 7:15 for work to start at 7:30.  First break is at 10 where I go to the mothers room to pump.  If I remember to bring my homework I try to do that while pumping.  Lunch at 12:30 and again break at 4.  Off work by 5 and head to class that starts at 6.  Class is over at 9 and then head home arriving between 9:30-9:45.  Then I have to put away my milk pumped from the day, dirty dishes from lunch and clean all my pump parts.  Take a shower and try to wind down from the day, hopefully getting to bed before 11.  Abby will usually wake up twice between when she goes to bed at 7:30 and when we are up at 4:30.

Morning pretty much the same minus grabbing the school bag.  Day at work similar except for second break is at 3 instead of 4.  Off work at 6 then get home around 6:30.  If Abby isn't too tired or hungry we try to Skype with daddy for a few minutes.  Lately she has been both tired and hungry when I get home, so I go to feed her and then lay her down around 7.  Then I have to put away my milk, dirty lunch dishes and clean my pump parts.  Eat dinner at some point and try to finish the homework that is due  at 11pm.  I usually don't get to bed until after 11 because of homework.  Again Abby waking up 2 times during the night.  I hope that the first is before I go to bed.

Wednesday and Thursday:
Repeat Tuesday minus the homework deadline.  I usually try to do homework these nights but am so exhausted I want to get to bed early, meaning before 9 although that never really happens.  

Basically my daily routine except everything happens about 20 minutes earlier.  I am volunteering at Armstrong High School for school.  I try to get there at 7:00 since school starts at 7:20.  The one downfall is I don't get to pump during the day.  School gets out at 2:10 so I usually leave around 2:20.  On the odd weeks that means I get to go home.  Since Abby is in daycare I make a stop at Target on my way home so she can finish her nap.  Depending on what time it is, I might try to go do some homework before picking her up.  After picking her up we usually go home to play for a little bit.  Around 530 I feed her dinner of oatmeal.  Then it is bath time around 6.  She loves playing in the water.  Depending on how she is doing, I usually nurse her around 7 and she will fall asleep (I hope).
On the even weeks I have class at 4, so I go out to the parking lot and pump in my car before leaving.  At about 2:45 I leave the parking lot to go get some dinner before class.  Class is over at 7:20 so I get home around 8.  Peanut is USUALLY in bed by then, sometimes she is stubborn.  Again I have to take care of my milk, lunch dishes and clean my pump parts.  In theory it would be nice if I managed to get some homework done.  However, it usually doesn't happen.  I get together my list for grocery shopping the next day, which can take awhile depending on the coupons I find and the deals they have.

Saturdays are grocery shopping day because Rainbow doubles coupons.  Abby is usually up for the day around 6 (on a good day).  We hang out in bed for awhile playing and giggling (highlight of my week).  Around 7:30 or 8 we will emerge to get ready for the day.  She usually naps between 8-10.  While she is napping I use that time to get ready, shower, eat and all that fun. After nap, its breakfast time of some sort of fruit.  Then we leave to grocery shop.  This can take up to 2 hours depending on what we get.  If there are other errands we run those as well.  Then back home.  Second nap is usually around 1.  I try to do a little homework during this time.  Also use the time to clean up and organize the stuff she has laying around.  Laundry usually gets done as well.  After she wakes up from nap time its time for some veggies.  Then play time.  Play time is a lot hard now that she is on the move.  Trying to get the puppy, or get into puppy's food and water dish.  Pulling herself up on the coffee table and trying to chew on that.  Can't really concentrate on homework while corralling a 7 month old.  Between 5:30 and 6 we eat some tasty oatmeal.  Then around 7 I nurse her and hope she goes to sleep. (Hasn't happened this nicely in a while).  If she goes to sleep, AWESOME.  If not then we hang out in the dark room and hope she falls asleep soon.  I then try to tackle a little homework, but I'm so exhausted I don't usually get a lot done.  

We were going to church for awhile, however we haven't made it lately.  Sunday is pretty similar to Saturday minus the grocery shopping.  By Sunday night I need to finish the homework that is due on Monday.  Hopefully get to bed at a decent time for the start of my long week.  

So as you can see, there is not a lot of time in my crazy life.  Abby turns 8 months old in 2 days and I finally looked at her 7 month pictures today.  I will try to get a short update soon.  Thanks all for dealing and reading.  :)

-Mama Lucas-