Saturday, July 28, 2012


Teething sucks.  As any parent would know it just sucks.  Peanut cut her 2 bottom teeth this past Wednesday.  I have been wondering for awhile if she was because she has been drooling like crazy and chewing on anything.  Today was the first day I really had to deal with some fussiness from it.  She barely napped.  When she finally laid down, she slept for about 30 minutes.  Then she woke up crying.  I'm thinking her teeth were hurting her.  To get her to take a nap I decided to take her for a walk.  That almost always gets her to sleep. So off we went.  Baby, mommy and puppy.  After about 15-20 minutes she was asleep.  Make my round home (40 minute walk) and she is still sleeping.  So I decide to keep walking and get her some more sleep.  Walked 3.5 miles in a little over an hour and puppy was SOOOO tired.  I actually had to pick him up twice to carry him.  But Peanut got to sleep for an hour so that helped her a little.

Tonight was a little closer to the normal bed routine since going on vacation.  Put her in bed around 7:30 and she cried twice and then went to sleep.  Hopefully she will sleep all night and those teeth won't wake her again.  

And just for fun here is a picture.  She wrapped herself up.  I think she was trying to make a fort :)  

-Mama Lucas

Going to California

Abby got to take her first vacation at just about 5 months old.  We went out to CA so she could meet the rest of her family.  To say the least, she was a hit, but how could she not be.  The most common phrase was a version of "look at those blue eyes."  

We were meeting daddy in Sacramento, he got there about an hour before we did.  She did pretty well on the flight.  Ate at takeoff and fell asleep, I tried to move her and she woke up.  Was up for about another 30 minutes and started to fuss so I fed her again and she fell asleep.  I was not going to move her again.  That resulted me holding a bicep curl with a 12.5  pound weight for 2 hours.  She woke up about 40 minutes before landing and did well at landing.  She slept for 45 minutes of the hour and a half drive down to Modesto where we checked into our hotel and headed over to her Auntie C's house.  Her Auntie was so excited to meet her, and wasn't there when we showed up.  She got to meet her Uncle M, her cousin B, her Grandpa.  A little bit later her Auntie C and her Cousin Z showed up.  They all loved her.  

The next day we got to go to Grammie's house and meet a lot of her family including her Uncle K and her Auntie B.  There were so many people that came to meet her.  Of course they all loved her.  The time adjustment was a little hard on her.  She didn't want to nap and it was harder to get her to go down at night.  The first 2 nights she was also back to middle of the night feedings, which she hasn't done in a very long time.  That was hard on mommy.  We took Monday to just hang around the hotel where Peanut got to go swimming for the first time.  Her Cousins also came over.  

She turned 5 months while we were out in CA.  How is she that old already?

For the rest of the week we just hung out around the house taking it easy, isn't that what vacation is for?  It was great to visit with family again.  We haven't been out there in 2 years.  Auntie C also had to foreign exchange students from Japan staying there.  N and M, to say they loved Abby would be an understatement.  There was one day that we weren't there in the evening because we were off meeting some of our February mama's and babies.  They asked about her and were sad when they were told she wasn't there.  

The last day we drove back to Sacramento where we stayed the night at Uncle K's house.  THen it was time to go home the next day.  The flight back went well just like the flight there.  She is such a good plane baby.  It was very nice having her be so good.  I was so worried I was going to be THAT WOMAN with the screaming baby.  It was good to be home.  I was way more exhausted when we got home than before I left.  A vacation is definitely different when traveling with kids.  

-Mama Lucas

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Growing so fast

I am so amazed at how fast my baby girl is growing.  She loves standing, with a little help of course.  Constantly trying to reach and grab for things.  When I go to get her out of her crib she looks and me and gives me the biggest grin.  Melts my heart every time.  I can't believe how in love with this girl I am.  

I am also so happy I chose the daycare that I did.  She smiles all the time when I drop her off and I hear stories of how happy she is when she is there.  She loves hanging with the girls like she is one of them, not a 5 month old baby.  She squeals with excitement when the kids run past her, like its the most exciting thing in the world.  The girls there love when she wears dresses so I like to put her in them.  Apparently she is turning into a monkey now too because she likes to try to use her feet to hold her bottle as well.  I got a text from the daycare lady yesterday that said, "Abby is awesome!!! Thank you so much for letting me take care of her.  Can't help lovin this little sweetheart.  We just had one on one time.  Such an awesome smile!!!  Her mood is contagious!"  Well if that just doesn't warm a mama's heart.  

My little Peanut will be 5 months next week.  Where has this time gone?  How is my baby already almost 5 months?  Its been over a year since I found out I was pregnant with my little peanut and I have no idea what life was like before her.  I can't remember what it felt like to wake up feeling fully refreshed from a full nights sleep.  I can't imagine waking up in the morning and not seeing that smile looking at me making everything all better.  

My skinny little girl is still mostly hanging out in her 0-3 month clothes.  She has switched over in a few things, and I will put her in some that are too big because her dresses are just too darn cute not to wear.  I'm guessing that girls length is coming from her legs because her pants may be too short but she can still fit into her 0-3 month onesies.  Who knew I would be so wrong in figuring out her clothes.  Not wanting to buy newborn because I didn't think she would wear them that long, I think she was in them for over a month.  Now she is still in 0-3 month and it is half way through summer already. 

Peanut is my greatest gift from God and I can't thank him enough for letting me be her mama.  She is the most amazing baby a mama could ask for.  

-Mama Lucas