Friday, September 7, 2012


August 17 was the start of tasty nummies.  Peanut has been watching anyone and everyone eat.  So 6 months marked the time.  Decided to start off with sweet potatoes.  She loved them!  Was trying to grab for the spoon even.  Since then we have tried:

Carrots: Not a fan at first (8.25), but day 3 at the daycare Peanut was all for them.

Acorn Squash: Yummy, she kept wanting more (8.30).  Nana was happy, she loves squash too.

Peas: Daddy got to feed these for the first time (9.3).  They are pretty good too.  Day 2 of peas was at the daycare and she was pretty mad that it was all gone.  She was crying, bottle wasn't good enough.  On day 3 of peas I brought double (2 cubes from an ice cube tray) and even that wasn't good enough, she was looking for more.  

Green Beans:  Not a fan at all.  We just started this today (9.7) and she just quit opening her mouth.  At least with the carrots she was still opening her mouth looking for more but giving some strange looks.  Green beans she only had a tiny bit and just quit opening her mouth for them.  

Today also marked the day where we started solids twice a day.  Green beans this morning and sweet potatoes this afternoon.  Those sweet potatoes certainly are tasty.  

We are also starting with a sippy cup, with water of course.  Just so we can get the hang of it.  Its a little hard right now.

And now for your viewing pleasure...

-Mama Lucas-

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