Sunday, December 4, 2011

Setting in...

Now that the crib has been up for a week and I just took out the car seat its really starting to set in this little girl is going to join our family.  I'm so excited to get everything ready for her and decorate her part of the room.  I haven't completely set on what I want on the wall over her crib yet but I have a few ideas going through my head.  

We are pretty sure on the name Abigail Taylor.  I can't fully commit until I see this little girls face and know that she is an Abigail.  Daddy is the one that picked the name.  It means Father's Joy, so that won him over.  Taylor has been a name that I have wanted to name my girl since I was about 15 years old.  No special meaning other than I have loved it for over a decade so that is good enough for me.  

She has been kicking like crazy.  Loves kicking on the right side.  So much so that while Daddy and I were Skyping he could see my belly move from her kicks.  I love feeling those kicks.  Its a reassurance that she is doing well in there.  I can't wait to meet her but she can stay in there for at least another 8 weeks.  

I should be studying for my final tomorrow but I'm so distracted and excited for this little girl its so hard for me to concentrate.  I can't wait until tomorrow is over and I don't have to worry about classes until May again.  Although then it will be even harder to concentrate because I won't just have the little kicks and planning distracting me I will have the beautiful little girl in my arms distracting me.  

However no matter how hard all of this is for daddy and I it will all be worth it when its over.  Struggling through school and living apart from each other is not easy, we knew that going into this situation, but in the end it is what we need to do.  Somedays I think it's harder on me than it is on daddy, but then other days I know it is way harder for daddy.  Right now I get to feel her every movement and hear her heartbeat at every appointment.  After she is here I get to hug and kiss and cuddle with her everyday.  Daddy doesn't get that luxury.  So I know and am preparing myself for some over the top spoiling of that little princess in the beginning.  I will be sure to keep it to a certain extent though, no ponies :)  I am going to have to make sure and be on top of my mommy game and document everything I can and take an insane amount of pictures so daddy can feel as apart of this as possible.  Videos of anything and everything so he doesn't feel like he is missing everything.  All easier said than done so I will have to make notes for myself to make sure I am keeping up on all of this no matter how crazy life gets.  I hope one day if she asks why daddy wasn't in that many pictures in the first year she will understand the sacrifices he made for her and that she will be proud of what her daddy is doing while he is gone.  

Oh and here is a new picture of mama Lucas.  29 weeks and a new easy hairdo.

-Mama Lucas

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