Saturday, June 30, 2012


Being a mommy is better than I ever could have imagined.  Sure the never sleeping all through the night because every little noise she makes wakes me up isn't always that fun.  THen there is her waking up at 6:00 all ready for the day.  However there is far more good than bad.  Here are some of my favorite things with being a mommy:

  1. Hearing her babble, so darn cute
  2. The way she smells after bath time
  3. The way she snuggles right into me
  4. Rocking her in the same rocking chair my mommy rocked me
  5. Her smile
  6. Her giggle
  7. How her face lights up when she sees me in the morning
  8. How her face looks whenever she sees me
  9. Her beautiful face
  10. Her tiny little feet
  11. Her button nose
  12. The way she opens her mouth when I try to give her kisses
  13. Watching her discover new things, like finding her feet
  14. Just watching her
  15. The feeling when she grabs my fingers
  16. How she grabs my shirt when I hold her, like she doesn't want me to let her go
  17. Her curiosity
  18. That she is my little girl
  19. Squeezing her tiny cute little butt
  20. Watching her change
  21. Watching her grow
  22. Holding her
  23. Loving her
  24. Playing with her
  25. Watching her play by herself
  26. How she flails her limbs when she is overly excited
  27. How adorable she looks with her headbands and bows/flowers
Motherhood is amazing and I wouldn't change a thing about it.  Who knew you could love someone so much before you meet them, then when you finally do the love increases beyond measure.  She is the most amazing little girl and I feel so blessed to get to be her mommy.  I love my little Peanut.

-Mama Lucas

Friday, June 29, 2012

4 1/2 months

So I've fallen a little behind on the blog so I'll try to do as much updating as I can.  The weekend Peanut turned 4 months daddy was in town for Fathers day.  I can't believe I have a 4 1/2 month old baby.  She is the most amazing thing I could ask for.  In one day she rolled over from her back to tummy and then perfected it.  Any time you would put her on her back to her tummy she would go.  Which makes it hard after she is done eating because then she will spit it all back up.  She has also found and enjoyed her voice.  She talks A LOT and it is adorable.  I love it.  I can't wait to hear what she sounds like when she starts speaking words.  She also recently started giggling.  I might love that more than her talking.  Best sound to a mama's ears.  

She had her 4 month appointment on the 15th.  She was 12 pounds 3 ounces and 25.5 inches long.  She is long and skinny.  I think she gets that from the Liekhus side of the family.  One problem with that though.  She is too skinny for her 3-6 month pants but her 0-3 months are too short.  Its a good thing it is summer, shorts and skirts it is.  She still fits some of her 0-3 but I am thinking of just moving all her 3-6 months over.  However, after washing all her clothes is so hard to switch over.  My baby is growing up.  

I will have a lot to blog about coming up.  Abby is going to be taking her first vacation.  We are going out to CA in 2 weeks to meet the other side of her family.  Everyone is so excited to finally get to meet her.  We will be out there for a week so as long as I can keep my butt in gear I will have many pics and things to blog about.  Until then, here is my adorable Peanut:  

-Mama Lucas

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Great Grandma and Grandpa

Today Peanut got to meet one of her Great Grandma and Grandpa.  It was so great having them drive down to meet her.  She was pretty good while they were here as well.  Got a little cranky towards the end but thats what happens when she misses nap time :)  We got some great 4 generation pictures.  For your viewing pleasure:  

-Mama Lucas