Saturday, February 4, 2012

14 days left??

Here I am, at 38 weeks.  I can't figure out what happened to the last 34 weeks.  There was so much stuff that was keeping me distracted I can't believe there are only 14 days left until her due date.  I thought February would never come and here we are, February 4th.  

So many people have their predictions of when peanut will decide to join us.  Her uncle was hoping for the 5th (tomorrow) because that is his birthday.  Grandpa wants her to come on the 9th so all of his favorite girls will have birthdays on the 9th.  Mommy- November 9th, Auntie- December 9th and Grandma- January 9th so hers would fit right in there being February 9th.  Great Grandma wants her to come on Valentines Day because that was Great Grandpa's birthday.  Auntie and Grandma have predicted February 15 for no other reason than just a prediction.  Daddy doesn't have an exact prediction, and each ones he gives keeps changing.  Lately he said that sometime between 12-18 is good.  And, well me being the math geek that I am I came up with my own dorky prediction.  My birthday is on the 9th (9x1), Daddy's birthday is the 18th (9x2), so I predict peanut will come on the 27th (9x3).  I might be the only crazy pregnant lady that is predicting almost 10 days late as a delivery date.   Not that it actually means I want to go that long, because I don't.  I'm so excited and anxious to finally get to meet her.  Ideally it would be nice if she decided to show up on a Friday.  Then I wouldn't have to technically start my maternity leave until that following Monday since I don't work on Fridays.  That would give me a nice extra couple of days.

However, as excited and anxious as I am I know I'm going to miss things about being pregnant.  I love feeling all of her kicks and pokes.  She hasn't done anything that hurt really bad so I guess I'm lucky in that department.  I love when she pokes a body part out, we will poke back an forth at each other.  I love seeing my belly move from the outside when she is throwing herself a party in there.  I could watch that for hours, but that will be replaced with me wanting to watch her sleeping face.  I can't wait to touch her little button nose, and kiss those beautiful cheeks.  I'm excited to see what color hair she has, hopefully its not plain and boring like mine.  I want to count her fingers and toes and look into those pretty little eyes.

Ultimately I tell myself that I have no longer than 28 days left to wait for her.  Although I would be perfectly happy with 18 or less :)  This is the worst kind of countdown for someone like me.  There is a countdown to a due date, but the due date doesn't really mean anything as all you other parents can understand.  Each day I keep waiting for some sort of a sign that something is going to happen soon, but thus far, a whole lot of nothing. In the end it doesn't matter when she decides to come now, as long as she is healthy.

Here I am at 38 weeks.  These maternity shirts are a joke after you reach a certain point.  There is no way I could get away with wearing this without the white undershirt.  You would think they could make them a little longer.  

-Mama Lucas

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