Wednesday, February 22, 2012


"Sleep while you can."  That phrase annoyed me so much when I was pregnant.  Yes I know I need to get sleep when I can, I know I will be up feeding her multiple times a night.  No matter how much you tell me to sleep while I can it will not prepare me for what is to come.  This I know.

I was right.  It's not the easiest getting up every 2-3 hours to nurse.  Especially while we are still struggling at feeding.  You know what.  It doesn't matter.  I wanted this, I have wanted to be a mom for a long time.  I'm a part of a mothers online board and being there on enforces more that you need to be grateful for what you have.  I am happy to get up ever 2-3 hours to feed my baby.  Why, because she is here with me, happy and healthy.  One of the mothers of the board lost her twin boys by 26 weeks. This amazing mama still visits the board and shares in our joy of our babies even though her heart is broken about her two sweet little boys she will never know.  Another mama delivered her son at 25 weeks and he is still in NICU, having had a few surgeries in his short 16 weeks of life.  He was due 8 days before Peanut was due.  Of the 113 women on this board over 80 have had their babies and her baby is still in the hospital.  

So as hard as it is to wake up and live on so little sleep.  Every time I have to get up I tell myself that I am happy to do so.  I love my little Peanut so much, how can I be upset.  

How can you possibly be upset when you get to wake up and look into these beautiful blue eyes.  Doesn't matter how tired I feel.  When I get to look at this face it makes it all worth it.  I can live on just a few short moments of sleep a day knowing my baby is home with me where she belongs and she is healthy.  

And now that she is back asleep, I should head that way too...

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