Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First week down

We made it through our first week.  Well more so I made it through our first week.  Abby did great at daycare and they seem to love her, but how could you not.  She is such a good baby.  Peanut has picked up a bit of a cold, which was pointed out to me isn't surprising since she just completed her first week of daycare.  Hasn't been around that many germs yet.  Towards the end of the week M, the daycare lady, showed Peanut how to press the keys on the piano.  After just a couple of views Peanut was having a fun time playing the piano by herself.  M took some pictures so I will post them when I get them.

Being back at work isn't fun.  I don't totally enjoy my job, just working here until I can finish my degree.  That is one thing that made coming back so hard, I don't really want to be here, but this is real life and in real life you have to pay bills.  Well if you want good credit you have to pay bills. 

I loved getting to spend all weekend with Peanut.  Lots of snuggles included :)  Made going back today hard but not as hard as the first day. 

Here is a fun photo from the weekend:

-Mama Lucas

Monday, April 16, 2012

Going back to "normal" life

Today was a very sad day for Mama Lucas.  I had to go back to work after 2 wonderful months with my baby girl.  After getting 4 hours of sleep my long day began.  I was so sad having to drop her off at daycare.  The longest I had been away from her was maybe 6 hours and then she was with Nana.  This is the first time I have left her and she wasn't with Nana or Daddy.  So hard on Mama and its not going to be any easier to repeat tomorrow.  I miss spending all day with my little girl.  Seeing every smile and hearing every noise she makes.  Someone else gets to experience all that while I sit in a cube and process orders.  That makes me sad.  I wish I could stay at home with her all day long and never have to go back to work.  

I was told she did great in daycare.  She was very alert and smiling to all the other kids.  Not that I doubted my wonderful little one.  Among all the little milestones of daycare and mama going back to work, my little girl is 2 months old today.  I can't believe it.  Where have these 2 months gone.  I don't remember what life was like before she came and I don't care.  Four hours of sleep and having to work 10 hours, then come home and take care of some things.  I'll take it in a heartbeat to have this beautiful girl with me.  I am so blessed and happy for her I can't imagine my life without her.  

My first day of daycare

-Mama Lucas

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rolling over

My baby girl is growing so fast.  Today she almost rolled over.  She was so close, all she needed to do was move her arm and she could have had it.  I can't believe how big she is getting.  She had her 2 month Dr appointment yesterday and she is now weighing in at 10 pounds 2 ounces and is 22 3/4 inches long.  She is almost 3 pounds more than when she was born.  My little peanut is growing up.  It amazing to see how much she has changed in just a short 2 months.  I can't imagine how much it is going to be in the next 2.  

And for your viewing pleasure: 

-Mama Lucas

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bath time

Today we had another bath.  She doesn't seem to mind them.  Looks a little shocked but she hasn't ever cried/screamed when she got a bath.  Not even in the hospital for the first time.  She just gets this look like "what in the world is going on."  

She is the greatest baby ever.  I love spending all day with her just hanging out.  In the past few days she has started to smile at things.  Melted my heart the first time.  I can't describe how it felt when she wakes up and sees me and smiles.  Makes me love her even more :)  She even smiled at daddy while we were Skyping tonight.  

She has also gone to 5 hours in between eating.  This makes mama very happy at night.  Although she tends to wake up after 3 so I gotta put in the paci, but 5 hours is good for me!

Here she is all clean from her bath

-Mama Lucas