Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Where has time gone

So its been a little bit since I have been on here.  My apologies.  There has been a lot that has happened in the past few weeks.  To sum it up short, week 2 of back to work I decided to take my last day of the week off and hang out with my baby girl.  Week three day 2 I end up taking her in to the Dr to check for pink eye (none thank goodness).  When texting the daycare lady, M, I find out that one of the other kids had lice.  Awesome.  So I end up staying home with Peanut the rest of the week.  Made it through week 4 of work and am almost done with week 5.  Peanut seems to like the daycare lady, she smiles bunches at her when I drop her off.  Makes me feel good and sad at the same time.  

We went to 2 Twins games where they won both.  I think Peanut might be a good luck charm.  The second Twins game we went to was on Mother's Day.  First one and I think it was a success.  We had a great day with Nana.  The weather was beautiful, couldn't have asked for a better day, well maybe a little less wind, but overall it was great.  
Mommy and Peanut on Mothers day

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Nana and Peanut

5' Piggy bank

Lastly our little Peanut is now 3 months old.  Where has this time gone.  I can't believe she is already 25% of the way to 1 year old.  She is getting so big.  She loves to talk now, its the cutest sound I've ever heard.  It is so great watching her grow and change every day.  She has also started to grab items.  Including my arm today, ouch. 
I'm 3 months?  ooooooo

Walk like an Egyptian

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing about this post I do not love! =D Happy belated First Mothers' Day!

    And . . . Walk Like an Egyptian is freakin' hilarious and adorable!
