Thursday, March 29, 2012

6 weeks

Where has time gone.  As I type this up my little girl is just 40 minutes away from being 6 weeks old.  I can't believe she has been in my life for 6 weeks already.  I have forgotten what life was like before her.  She is so amazing and I feel so blessed to be her mommy.  I love her so much.  This is what I get to look at while typing this.

So peaceful sleeping there.  I am also blessed to have been given an additional 2 weeks of leave from work.  I was so sad, it was originally denied and then yesterday, the day before I was to return to work, I got a call from my boss saying that I could have the extra time off.  I'm so happy.  Its going to be so hard having to go back and dropping her off at daycare.  The only times I have been away from her she was either with her daddy or her nana.  Its going to be so hard leaving her with someone other than them.  I will also be away from her for 12 hours.  I can't imagine how hard that is going to be :(

I have been very blessed to have no problems producing enough milk for Peanut.  So much so that Nana had to make the turkey she had stored in the freezer because I had so much stored for her.  As of right now I don't know how many bags I have but tomorrow when I reorganize I will probably count.  The other day I took down 25 bags to add to the collection so by guess I would say I probably have close to 100 bags or so, ranging from 4-6 ounces.  This girl definitely has lots of milk to drink :)  

To wrap this up here are a few pictures to recap the last few weeks.

-Mama Lucas

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